Grey Towers Farm Residential Development Land

Price: Offers in excess £725,000 subject to contract only
Address: Land South West of Grey Towers Farm, Off Sessay Grange, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough TS7 0DH
Key Features:
- Fully consented Residential Development for 8 market dwellings
- Pre Commencement planning conditions have been submitted for approval and awaiting final determination
- All Mains services available to the site
- Sought after Residential area
Property Overview
The property comprises a partially undeveloped ‘Greenfield’ infill site, situated in what has now become a well-established residential neighbourhood to the south side of Nunthorpe, known as Grey Towers Village.
This parcel of land is the final part of the former Grey Towers Farm to be brought to the market, comprising the site of what was once the principal farm steading and surrounding paddocks. It sits immediately adjacent to the original farmhouse, recently substantially renovate as a single private residence, and borders the new Sessay Grange development undertaken by Robertson Homes, as well as the much acclaimed and award-winning David Wilson Homes scheme to the north.
Nunthorpe is widely regarded as one of the premium residential areas in Teesside with high quality mainly detached housing, plentiful open spaces, excellent community facilities and as a consequence has historically maintained strong demand and robust sales revenues. It boasts access to a number of good local schools, including Chandlers Ridge Academy (0.7 miles), St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary (0.9miles) and The Avenue Primary (0.9 miles); railway at Nunthorpe Station (0.9 miles), bus links, and easy access to the A174 at Marton (2 miles) and A19 at Thornaby. Nunthorpe is also situated in close proximity to the open countryside afforded by the neighbouring North Yorkshire Moors, and the stunning Northeast coast a short drive away to the East.
Site Area
The total gross area extends to approx. 2.07 acres (0.84 Ha).
The site is offered for sale with a valuable Full Detailed Planning consent recently secured following an Inspectors Appeal Decision on 9th April 2024. Appeal Reference APP/W0734/W/23/3334000.
The appeal was allowed, and planning permission granted for erection of 8 no dwellings at Land Southwest of Grey Towers Farm, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref 22/0270/MAJ, subject to conditions.
A copy of all planning documents and the decision notice can all be downloaded either from the Planning Portal, or via the agent’s website.
For further information and detail associated with the Planning status for this site, prospective Buyers are recommended to make their own enquiries directly with Middlesbrough Borough Council Planning Department. prior to submission of any offer.
Proposed Scheme
The consented development is for 8 residential dwellings. The scheme was designed by the award winning locally based architect, David Mack from Summerhouse Architecture. Acknowledging the sensitivity of this location, partially sitting within the Nunthorpe Conservation Area, and allowing for previous recommendations issued by both Planning and Conservation Officers, the brief was to create a ‘cluster’ of high-quality bespoke homes, which had regard to the setting of the adjacent Farmhouse as well as the courtyard of Victorian farm buildings which previously stood on the main body of the site.
We were pleased to note that the Planning Inspector’s report gave particular positive weight to the design, stating; ‘’ the proposal would fill the gap between modern housing to the West and Grey Towers Farm to the East. The Three detached dwellings proposed would be of a scale, design and form that would assimilate well to the suburban design of the housing in Sessay Grange. The design of the five houses arranged in a courtyard would provide a contrast with the suburban housing. They would have detailing and a layout that would draw from the rural history of the site and its relationship with Grey Towers Farm. In this regard, the design of the scheme would be an appropriate transition between the modern housing in Sessay Grange and Grey Towers Farm’’.
Full plans are available, but the following is a very brief summary of the house types, sizes and headline accommodation:
Plot Reference | Type | Accommodation | Garage/Parking | Sqft | Sqm |
Plot 1 | Detached | 4 bed | Detached 2 car garage | 1,948 | 181 |
Plot 2 | Detached | 4 bed | Detached 2 car garage | 2,002 | 186 |
Plot 3 | Detached | 5 bed | Attached 2 car garage | 2,690 | 250 |
Plot 4 | Semi – Detached | 3 bed | 2 space car port | 1,496 | 139 |
Plot 5 | Corner Plot | 5 bed | Attached 2 car garage | 2,615 | 243 |
Plot 6 | Inner Terrace | 4 bed | Attached 1 car garage | 1,808 | 168 |
Plot 7 | Corner Plot | 5 bed | Attached 2 car garage | 2,615 | 243 |
Plot 8 | Semi – Detached | 3 bed | 2 space car port | 1,453 | 135 |
TOTAL | 16,627 | 1,545 |
Highways and Access
The subject land has the benefit of access in three locations. The principal access to the proposed housing scheme will be via the recently completed estate road known as Sessay Grange, this in turn connecting to Cotcliffe Way, and the roundabout on the A172/Nunthorpe Bypass.
It is understood that Sessay Grange and Cotcliffe Way are both built to adoptable standards and are subject to S38/S278 Agreements but are yet to be formally adopted. The subject land has the benefit of full and unencumbered rights of access regardless of those roads being adopted.
Other access rights are in place serving site using the bridleway leading off the A172 roundabout, past the south side of Grey Towers Farmhouse, and via the Mitchell & Butler pub/restaurant site to the east side of the side, via a hammerhead access into the grass field, where double gates are in place.
Services and Utilities
The site will be sold with the benefit of rights to connect into mains services, with some connections possible within the site itself, others with agreements in place for nearby off site connections. Suitable reservations were put in place when the Vendors sold adjoining land to BDW Trading Ltd (Barratt David Wilson Homes) and their subsequent onward sale of part to Robertson Homes Ltd.
The following is a summary:
• Mains Water – A mains water supply runs to a point just to the West of the site in Sessay Grange. Additional connections are available to the East within the Mitchell & Butler site, with ducting in place for connections.
• Foul Sewer – A mains foul sewer runs through the site, and capacity is available for this new development to connect in.
• Telecoms – BT apparatus is situated to a point just to the West of the site in Sessay Grange. Additional connections are available to the East within the Mitchell & Butler site, with ducting in place for connections.
• Electric – Mains electric is situated to a point just to the West of the site in Sessay Grange. Additional connections are available to the East within the Mitchell & Butler site, with ducting in place for connections.
• Gas – Mains gas is situated to a point just to the West of the site in Sessay Grange. Additional connections are available to the East within the Mitchell & Butler site, with ducting in place for connections.
• Surface Water – Mains surface water drainage is situated within the site running along the northern boundary, also serving the Mitchell & Butler pub/restaurant. This passes through the Robertson Homes development, Sessay Grange, to balancing ponds, before onward discharge to the watercourse. The subject development will be required to install a balancing pond with controlled discharge, but thereafter the drainage is now adopted by Northumbria Water.
Purchasers will be required to verify and undertake their own assessments of all utility services and the above information is given for guidance purposes only and should not be relied upon.
Biodiversity Net Gain
The scheme has included for BNG requirements to be met within the site boundary. This is to be facilitated within the ‘finger’ of land running east/west on the north side of the property. Please refer to the supporting documents prepared by Naturally Wild.
Nutrient Neutrality
The Vendors have agreed terms with Natural England and pre-purchased the required credits sufficient to mitigate Nutrient Neutrality, in the sum £22,356.25 plus VAT. A Final Credit Certificate has been issued and can be made available with the sale of the property. The Credit Certificate Reference Number is NM-D-TCC-0008 and dated 26th April 2024. A copy can be downloaded from the agents website.
Site Surveys
The following surveys are available to download either from the Planning Portal, or via this website:
• Ecological Survey – March 2022 (Naturally Wild)
• Phase 2 GeoEnvironmental Survey – November 2020 (Sirius Environmental)
• Topographic Survey
• Flood Risk Assessment – April 2023 (Cundall)
• Drainage Survey – April 2023 (Cundall)
Tenure, Title and Rights of Way
The land is offered for sale freehold and is registered with Title Absolute under title number CE207997 and CE129643. Access will be provided via reservations held by the owners to connect into the public highway via Sessay Grange, and through part of land which is now owned by Mitchell & Butler with title number CE254824. Rights of access are also retained along the bridlepath and original farm access to the east, held within title number CE217589.
The site is offered subject to all easements, wayleaves, covenants, rights of way and light, as referred to within the respective Titles.
The site has both a public footpath running through it, which will require a minor amendment as well as a public bridlepath which runs east west along the southern boundary.
Method Of Sale
The property is offered for sale by Private Treaty.
In the event of competitive offers being received, the Vendor’s reserve the right to conclude the sale process by inviting ‘Best Bids’ via Informal Tender.
Preference will be given to unconditional offers.
Guide Price
Offers invited.
VAT will be payable on the sale price.
Anti Money Laundering
Prior to any offer being accepted, the successful bidder/s will be required to provide certain identification documents and proof of origin of funds in order to comply with Anti-Money Laundering legislation.
Viewing and Site Inspection
The site is open and available for inspection from the adjoining public highway/public footpath, without appointment. Should anyone wish to take access to within the harass fenced areas, then they must do so at their own risk.
All descriptions, dimensions, areas, reference to condition and other details are given in good faith and believed to be correct but intending purchasers / lessors should satisfy themselves as to the correctness.
Location Map
Property Brochure
Information Pack
- GT9-CDL-XX-XX-RT-C-1002 DS
- 2006 Grey Towers Farm report
- C8874-~1
- NM-D-TCC-0008-Certificate-Final
- Public Footpath Definitive Map Modification Order 20th Jan 2014.(comp)
- L__M&B_MAB15 - Topo Survey CAD2007 edited Sheet 15 of 23 (1)
- L__M&B_MAB15 - Topo Survey CAD2007 edited Sheet 16 of 23 (1)
- L__M&B_MAB15 - Topo Survey CAD2007 edited Sheet 17 of 23 (1)
- S231 REV C PLANNING ISSUE 06.09.23
- S2DE24~1
- S231PL~4
- Appeal decision 3334000
- AMS-22-06 Grey Towers PEA R2 update (1)
- Grey Towers - AMS-22-06 - BNG Report
- Grey Towers, Nunthope Revised Scheme 8 dwellings