Land at Mill Farm, Muston Road, Filey

Price: Offers & Expressions of Interest Sought
Address: Mill Farm, Muston Road
Filey YO14 0HH
Key Features:
- Potential Future Development Opportunity
- Approx 13.9 acres (5.63 ha)
- Prominent, Accessible Location
- Option or Promotion Agreement
The subject landholding occupies a prominent and very accessible position on the immediate southern outskirts of Filey adjacent to Muston Road.
The land is currently used for livestock grazing and has established hedgerows along its principal boundaries, but no significant features or trees which should impinge on its future development. The land is not identified as being within a flood plain.
The total area of land which our clients are seeking to promote extends to approx 13.9 acres (5.63 ha).
Please contact Christopher Fordy for further information regarding submission of offers and expressions of interest.
Our client has a preference for entering into an Option or Promotion Agreement, whereby the chosen purchaser will be required to submit a planning application within an agreed timetable of the Agreement being signed, or to promote the potential allocation of the land in the emerging Local Plan.
The chosen purchaser will be required to orchestrate and fund all associated costs.
All descriptions, dimensions, areas, reference to condition and other details are given in good faith and believed to be correct but intending purchasers / lessors should satisfy themselves as to the correctness.