The site has a long established history of industrial uses, but has recently been included as an Housing Allocation in the Stockton on Tees Borough Council Local Plan (Adopted 30th January 2019).
The Local Plan Allocation is for delivery of approximately 600 dwellings, falling within an area defined as Regenerated River Tees Corridor Allocations.
The site is also subject to a pending Outline Planning Consent which was submitted on 30th January 2019; Planning Reference 18/1726/OUT “outline application with some matters reserved for residential development comprising of approximately 600 dwellings (C3), including elderly accommodation (C2), with a local centre (A1/D1) (demolition of existing buildings)”. The consent is not yet issued subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement.
The Outline application was accompanied by a proposed Illustrative Masterplan. This incorporates the following key components:
- Landscape led development for approx 600 residential dwellings and a local centre;
- Of those units the scheme to include mixed use Retirement Apartment building offering older persons themed services, creating a central focus to the development, with older person dwelling choices situated nearby for accessibility;
- Significant green open space provided on site;
- On site Sustainable Urban Drainage measures to manage surface water;
- 21st Century neighbourhood based on traditional village neighbourhood layout and transects;
- Principal access from Grangefield Road and secondary vehicular access off Tynedale Street, together with multiple pedestrian and cycle accesses from the south, west and north eastern boundaries;
- Improved accessibility through the subway connection into Stockton Town Centre to the east.
Scheme Summary Floor Areas

Planning Authority
Interested parties should make their own enquiries with Stockton on Tees Borough Council. Telephone: 01642 393939. Contact: Simon Grundy Principal Planning Officer.
The Local Plan can be downloaded at