Other Information
Mains, gas, electric, water and foul drainage connections are all available to the site.
Prospective purchasers are advised to make their own enquiries with the relevant service providers to satisfy themselves that there are sufficient services available for their proposed use and that connections can be achieved.
Business Rates
The various parts of the property are assessed for Business Rates as follows:

The current owners have sought Empty Property Relief on the Land at Millfield Works for the period 1st April 2019 – 31st March 2020.
Legal Title & Tenure
The property is to be sold freehold, with vacant possession on completion.
The land will be sold subject to the rights, reservations, obligations and title as otherwise referred to within the registered title. Title documentation is available on request.
Easements, Wayleaves and Rights of Way
The land is offered subject to, and with the benefit of, all existing rights of way, wayleaves and easements, whether or not specifically referred to in these particulars.
There is a public right of way running through the site East/West between Tynedale Street and Dovecote Street.
We understand that the property is not elected for VAT, and therefore VAT will not be due in addition to the purchase price. All offers submitted will be presumed to be exclusive of VAT.
Access should be arranged by prior appointment with Fordy Marshall.
Viewers and visitors to the property do so at their own risk.
For more information and appointments for access please contact:
Christopher Fordy Bsc MRICS
Email: christopherfordy@fordymarshall.com
Office: 01937 918 088
Mobile: 07809 202 300