Leeds Road, East of Otley

Key Features:
- Strategic Housing Land
- Option Agreement Negotiated
- In Conjunction with Leeds City Council
Housing Land Consultancy
Strategic Housing Land Consultancy – Land East of Otley
Land extending in total to 38.32 acres (15.51 Ha)
Scope of Project
Fordy Marshall acted for the Lawson/Letten Family in assisting with Promotion of their landholdings forming part of the Leeds City Council UDP allocation for the eastern extension of Otley.
An Option Agreement has been negotiated and entered into with Persimmon Homes, who also hold adjoining landownerships and who are working in conjunction with Leeds City Council and other stakeholders to bring forward a planning application to deliver housing and mixed use development, alongside a new East of Otley relief road.
All descriptions, dimensions, areas, reference to condition and other details are given in good faith and believed to be correct but intending purchasers / lessors should satisfy themselves as to the correctness.