Grangefield Road, Stockton on Tees

Key Features:
- To register your interest please contact the office
- Approx 20 ha (49.4 acres)
- Brownfield Housing Allocation
- Approx 600 Dwellings
Now Under Offer..
Land at Grangefield Road, Stockton on Tees TS18 4AE (Former Millfield Works)
This Substantial, Edge of Town Centre, Brownfield Site, extends to approx 20 ha (49.4 acres) and is within walking distance of the High Street.
The site is being offered with Local Plan Housing Allocation, and a resolution to grant Outline Planning for approx 600 dwellings, subject to final S106 approval.
Please follow the link to the Data Room for further information.
All descriptions, dimensions, areas, reference to condition and other details are given in good faith and believed to be correct but intending purchasers / lessors should satisfy themselves as to the correctness.